Ninggongqujiulong Fm
Type Locality and Naming
The type section is located at a point of about 2 km to the east of the Ninggongqujiulong Village about 30 km to the northeast of the Margaichaka area of the Kunlun Mt. Region, Tibet. It was named by Wen Shixuan in 1979. Upper formation of Kamrbo Gr.
Lithology and Thickness
Limestone and Clastics. Grey, grey-green and dark-green metamorphosed limestone, quartz-sandstone, sandy shale and shale. Thickness is over 900 m.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
Next older unit in this region is the Xiaochaka Fm
Upper contact
Uncertain; no top having been found. Next younger unit in this region is the Rejuechaka Fm.
Regional extent
Distributed on the southern side of the Kunlun Mt. Region to the north of Margaichaka and in between the Jiangnichaka and the Samasuijiari Mt. In the area to the north of the Jiangnichaka there are many sandstones that have been strongly metamorphosed to produce marbles and shales, with a smaller thickness. In the Samasuijiari Mt. area the formation is 2002-m thick. On the northern side of the Kunlun Mt. the formation is exposed in the south of the Karamulun Mt. Pass, and extending till the area of the Zhengquan Lake, where it is composed of variegated clastic rocks.
On northern side of the Kunlun Mt., it yields Fusulinida represented by Schwagerina shuanghuensis and Lantschichites kalamulunica; Brachiopods such as Leptodus nobilis; and Bryozoan such as Fenestella perelegans, etc.
Depositional setting
Additional Information
GeoJSON estimate by Longgang Ye and Yuyin Li (Chengdu Univ. Tech. students)